Lake Orion Homecoming and Smart Dragons Don't Drink

During homecoming week, the Youth Action board promoted our Smart Dragons Don't Drink campaign!
We brought back our SDDD social media contest, where students who snapped and posted a photo of themselves wearing the bracelets would be entered into a drawing for a gift card prize! The YAB hosted a lunch table, where we handed our hundreds of the Smart Dragons Don't Drink bracelets to students, and encouraged them to share their photos. We also talked to students about the risks and dangers of underaged drinking, such as legal troubles, harming themselves, or even harming others through poor drinking decisions.

At the homecoming game, YAB members braved the rain to remind students about the contest, and handed out even more of the wristbands to community members. We ran a similar competition for parents at the game, asking them to share photos of their wristbands on Facebook for a chance to win a prize. Parents who stopped by our booth were asked to speak with their students about making the responsible choice to stay away from alcohol while underage.